Docs to Go Premium-Microsoft office

Cloudon- excel, word, or powerpoint

            Looks most like word- must be connected to the Internet to work.

Travis Allen-iSchool
I really liked listening to Travis.  I thought he made some really good points. First, I thought it was interesting how he mentioned that using devices in carts is only 20% effective.  Yet, it if a person can take the device with them and they take ownership in the device it becomes much more effective.  I wonder what happens to those students who do not have internet capabilities at their home. Are there alternative homework assignments for these students or are there ways to use these devices at home without the internet?  Also, does providing alternative assignments make a ton more work for the teacher? brainstorming tool- You can pull in text, pictures, files, etc. 
Today's Meet- a way to have students comment on the day's lessons.
NearPod- Nearpod is one of the best apps I have ever seen.  You can create a presentation with Nearpod then have students login using a code.  From there you can freeze their iPad so students have to stay on the same page of the presentation as the instructor.  This makes it so students can't go ahead.  You can also put movie clips, images, or even a quiz on the Nearpod.  I could see how this could really benefit teachers.